
Thursday, February 21, 2013


Hi All!
Above is the exciting new program for budding young scientists and their families presented by the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery.
For all of you that were involved in the Launceston Reptile Club, the QVMAG will now be taking on the job to provide you all with new meetings and dates and a variety of activities instead of the bi-monthly meetings we used to hold.
At most events there will be a representative from the Reptile Club (either Ian, Jane or myself - Sally) to help out with any reptile related questions.
On the 23d of March from 10am till 12pm there will be a session on Reptiles and Amphibians. We will be there with the snakes, aswell as an Amphibians specialist and many activities for all the family to get involved with. Please come along! Have a read of the above brochure for booking information!
For all the kids with Bluetongue Lizards, feel free to bring them along to be weighed and measured.
  We look forward to seeing you on March the 23rd!
   Sally Wilson
   President, Tasmanian Herpetological Society.